Magic hair comb tangle teezer alternative anti frizz comb
8:00:00 PM
Trying to get tangles out of your hair is painful and the more you tug and tear, the more you damage your hair!
Tired of pulling your hair out? Now presenting the DD Magic Comb, the pain free way to eliminate tangles without damaging or pulling out a single hair!
Doesn't matter if your hair is thick or thin, wet or dry, curly or straight, the tangles come out easily
The patented design has alternating rows of high and low bristles with Memory Flex Technology that lift and gently separate tangles without pulling and tearing
The ideal comb that also massages head Pishu pressure point for health care
Works well on children, synthetic hair and even pets too
Ideal for wet or dry hair
*Supermodel's Secrets Beauty Store"
SS Gallery: 1st Floor, 41A, Jalan SS 15/4B, Subang Jaya