Supermodel's Secrets @ Berita Harian Ratu section Feb2011"Transformasi Diri"

12:39:00 PM

Hi hi dearies~
Hope you had an awesome February~~
Thanks for your overwhelming support.
We're on Berita Harian's RATU section on 2nd Feb 2011  (pages 22,23 and Ratu's cover)
"Transformasi Diri - perlu walaupun hati budi jadi ukuran" - A make over story featuring 2 individuals whom we've made over using our products and gorgeous branded attire from YellowCabTrappings

Many thanks to  Hidayah for the lovely article, Cynthia (YSK Guest blogger) for helping with the translation Caryn Lim of, and model kak Liza, for being such a good sport! *sniff* *sniff* *happy tears*

the link to the article and snapshots below yeah!

Lots of <3 <3 <3

Supermodel's Secrets

2 Models - Kurus dan gempal untuk gaya kasual wanita
Model #1 - Kak Liza

Bentuk badan gempal - transform kepada lebih curvy dan firm secara menggunakan aksesori Supermodel's Secrets
Klip rambut depan sendeng berwarna hitam, klip rambut belakang panjang dan kerinting, Hair Volume Base alatan pelebat rambut

Koji Japan Dolly Wink bulu mata palsu #2 SweetGirly, Magic Eyes eyeshadow segera # 11 Midnight meadows

Squeem USA Perfect Waist cincher warna hitam
Pakaian kasual drp

Model#2 Michelle
Bentuk badan kurus - transform kepada rupa lebih berisi dan cantik

Rambut panjang kepada pendek
Rambut palsu style bob

Koji Japan Dolly Wink bulu mata palsu # 1 DollySweet, Magic Eyes eyeshadow segera warna #11 Midnight Meadows

Squeem USA Perfect Waist cincher warna beige, Magic 3D butt padded panty/ Magic 3D seluar dalam berpad, Magic Bra Pad, Strap Perfect klip bra
Pakaian kasual drp

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